Brand Guidelines

The Mabrey Bank identity consists of the logo, tagline, brand colors and typography. The look is bold, contemporary and business-focused while remaining approachable and friendly—a visual embodiment of the brand position. All communications should reflect this tone, including business stationery and forms, marketing collateral, signage, advertising, and digital media such as mobile applications and websites.

Reproducing the logo in its full-color design whenever possible is important to building a consistent identity. The following guidelines outline appropriate use of the logo for most practical applications. These guidelines should be followed for all versions of the logo, including with and without tagline, and the alternative centered version.


Preferred, Primary Logo

The Mabrey Bank logo is especially vibrant on a white or light-colored background.

Preferred, Primary Logo

The Mabrey Bank logo is especially vibrant on a white or light-colored background.

Secondary Logo Option

For black or dark backgrounds, use the white reversed logo.

Secondary Logo Option

For black or dark backgrounds, use the white reversed logo.

Secondary Logo Option

The black or single-colored version of the logo should be used when multicolored printing is not available, or when printing on a colored background without adequate contrast.

Secondary Logo Option

The black or single-colored version of the logo should be used when multicolored printing is not available, or when printing on a colored background without adequate contrast.

Mabrey Bank

Click to download a .zip file containing the Mabrey Bank logo assets in .jpg format.

Do's and Don'ts


A minimum “safe” space around the logo is important for consistent impact and building brand character. This area is designated as being equal to the height of the letter “M” in the logo. This safe space should never be compromised by any other graphic or edge.


The color logo should never be used smaller than .25” high. A smaller version for collateral and small imprints is available for use as small as .1875”. Only the single-color version of the logo should be used at this size.


The black or single-colored version of the logo should be used when multicolored printing is not available, or when printing on a colored background without adequate contrast. The white reverse version of the logo should be used only when the logo must reverse out of a dark background.


The centered version of the logo without the tagline is available for use when horizontal space is limited. The same clear space rules apply when using the centered version. The centered version should never be smaller than .4375” high and should always be full color.


The Mabrey Bank logo is especially vibrant on a white or light-colored background. For black or dark backgrounds, use the white reversed logo. When used on photography, sufficient contrast is necessary to provide clear legibility. Background elements, such as textures or patterns, should be subdued so as to not compete visually with the logo.

Inappropriate use of the Mabrey Bank logo can create confusion in the marketplace and ultimately undermine the efforts of the brand platform. The list and examples below define how the logo should not be used.

  • Do not change the appearance, shape or proportion of any elements of the logo.
  • Do not combine the logo with any other graphic elements or decorate in any way.
  • Do not use any element of the logo in place of the company brand name, such as in headlines, titles or text.
  • Do not split any element of the logo; graphic use of the mark for advertising is discretionary.
  • Do not use the logo as a design element in a repetitive or 3D manner.
  • Do not use colors other than those specified by this guide.

Color Palette

The brand color palette is used for all internal and external communications. Tints and shades of the primary colors may be used to extend the color palette.


  • PMS 308
  • CMYK: 100, 18, 8, 50
  • RGB: 0, 88, 124
  • HTML: 00587C
  • CMYK: 100, 18, 8, 50
  • RGB: 0, 88, 124
  • HTML: 00587C
  • PMS 308 - 76% Screen
  • CMYK: 76, 46, 25, 10
  • RGB: 93, 129, 154
  • HTML: 5D819A
  • PMS 369
  • CMYK: 68, 0, 100, 0
  • RGB: 100, 167, 11
  • HTML: 64A74B
  • CMYK: 68, 0, 100, 0
  • RGB: 100, 167, 11
  • HTML: 64A74B
  • PMS 369 - 72% Screen
  • CMYK: 57, 4, 72, 0
  • RGB: 144, 192, 79
  • HTML: 90C04F
  • 25% Grey
  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 25
  • RGB: 191, 191, 191


  • PMS Warm Gray 9
  • CMYK: 23, 32, 34, 51
  • RGB: 131, 120, 111
  • HTML: 83786F
  • PMS 1375
  • CMYK: 0, 45, 94, 0
  • RGB: 255, 158, 27
  • HTML: FF9E1B
  • 75% Gray
  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 75
  • RGB: 64, 64, 64
  • HTML: 404040
  • PMS 2003
  • CMYK: 4, 7, 72, 0
  • RGB: 249, 226, 103
  • HTML: F9E267
  • PMS 2573
  • CMYK: 35, 52, 0, 0
  • RGB: 184, 132, 203
  • HTML: B884CB
  • PMS 3115
  • CMYK: 69, 0, 20, 0
  • RGB: 34, 191, 207
  • PMS 7688
  • CMYK: 69, 19, 4, 0
  • RGB: 70, 152, 203
  • HTML: 4698CB
  • PMS 465
  • CMYK: 24, 31, 60, 1
  • RGB: 195, 169, 120
  • HTML: C3AA79

Do you have questions?

Please contact us at

Main Office - Bixby Corporate 918.366.4000 Mon-Fri, 9am - 4pm Sat-Sun, Closed